NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements

The DC CFAR promotes periodic NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement opportunities to our membership when we are made aware of them. These supplements are offered by the NIH to spur research in high priority areas.

The center communicates open requests for applications through weekly member emails. Become a member of the DC CFAR to learn more about NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements.

DC CFAR investigators have been very successful in competing for NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements to date. A listing of all currently and previously funded investigators and abstracts of their projects are provided.

View the archive to learn more about awards given in 2013 or earlier.

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Addressing Intersectional and Social-Structural Barriers to Ending the HIV Epidemic in Black Sexual Minority Men and Black Heterosexual Women

Lisa Bowleg, PhD, MA (GW) has received an NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement entitled, “Addressing Intersectional and Social-Structural Barriers to Ending the HIV Epidemic in Black Sexual Minority...

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An intersectionality-based policy analysis of social determinants of HIV in Puerto Rico

Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz, PhD, MPHE, MCHES (GW) has received an NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement entitled, “An intersectionality-based policy analysis of social determinants of HIV in Puerto Rico”.

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Automated Cell Isolation using the RoboSepTM System and Muse Cell Analyzer for HIV Cure Studies

Natalia Soriano-Sarabia, PhD (GW) has received an NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement entitled, “Automated Cell Isolation using the RoboSepTM System and Muse Cell Analyzer for HIV Cure Studies”.

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Citywide Expansion of Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in the District of Columbia

Rupali Doshi, MD, MS (DC Health) has received an NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement entitled, “Citywide...

The Development of Responsive Health Department HIV Data to Action Strategies through Community Engagement

Adam Allston, PhD, MPH, MSW and Brittani Saafir Callaway, PhD, MPH (DC Health) have been awarded a...

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A City-Wide Approach to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Scale-Up in Multiple High-Risk Communities in Washington D.C.

Sarah Henn, MD, MPH (Whitman-Walker Health) has been awarded an NIH CFAR Administrative supplement titled, “A City-Wide Approach to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Scale Up in Multiple High-...

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Puerto Rico-DC CFAR government-community-academic partnership (GCAP) for comprehensive HIV prevention and response

Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz, PhD, MPHE, MCHES (GW) has received an NIH CFAR Administrative Supplement...

Real-time Phylodynamic Analysis of HIV in Washington, DC

Efforts to track the spread of HIV in Washington, DC have relied primarily on routinely collected...

Impairment of ABCA1 glycosylation as a pathogenic mechanism in Nef-induced atherosclerosis

HIV-infected subjects are at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardio-vascular disease...

Advancing Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Delivery among Black MSM in the District of Columbia

New HIV infections in the United States are increasingly concentrated among black men who have sex...


Lorena Segarra, MPH

Senior Research Program Manager 

[email protected]