Rapid Response Research Awards on the MPX-HIV Interface

In response to the Orthopoxvirus (MPX) outbreak, the District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) is announcing a rapid response cycle of pilot awards on the MPX–HIV interface. These awards will provide pilot funds to early stage and new HIV investigators to collect preliminary data that will explore the scientific relationships between the MPX and HIV epidemics with a focus on Washington, DC.


Investigator Eligibility

Faculty investigators at the nine participating DC CFAR institutions (American University, Children's National, DC Health, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Howard University, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and Whitman-Walker) who are full members of the DC CFAR are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators (PIs). PIs must: 1) have a terminal degree; 2) hold a current academic faculty appointment; and 3) be eligible to submit NIH grant applications through their home institution’s office of research. PIs can either be Early Stage Investigators or New Investigators in HIV research, i.e. have not been funded for an HIV-related project through an NIH R01 or equivalent grant. PIs must be at the rank of Instructor, Research Scientist, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor. Clinical fellows are not eligible to apply as PIs.


Research Scope

The Rapid Response Research Awards fund projects with a focus on the MPX-HIV interface – applications on MPX alone will be considered non-responsive. Applications in a wide range of scientific disciplines are encouraged, including basic science, clinical and epidemiologic studies, and social and behavioral science. Clinical trials and studies involving new drugs, treatments, or devices cannot be funded by the DC CFAR. Applicants should 1) demonstrate how their research project relates to the MPX and HIV epidemics in DC; 2) describe how they will use DC CFAR Core services in their proposed research projects; and 3) provide information about how the results from this pilot will inform the development of a specific future NIH proposal.


Application Process

Review the request for applications, Application Form (DOC), and all application materials. If planning to apply, please send an email of intent to [email protected] by Friday, September 2.



[email protected]