Community-Academic Research Resources

Advancing Equity and Fostering Change: A Guide for Academic-Community Partnerships in the DC Center for AIDS Research

This guide is written for both academic researchers and community members in the DC CFAR. It offers a historical context, concise and focused guidance, “real world” examples, and practical tools. It is organized around key components for an equitable academic-community partnership in HIV research.

Building an Equitable and Sustainable Academic-Community Research Partnership: The DC Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) Example

In April 2023, the DC CFAR released "Building an Equitable and Sustainable Academic-Community Research Partnership: The DC Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) Example". This document, which was prepared by Ms. Marcia Ellis and Mr. George Kerr III on behalf of the DC CFAR Community Partnership Council, presents an overview of DC CFAR initiatives to promote and support strong and equitable partnerships in HIV research. 

Read the Document

George Kerr III


Contact George Kerr III