
The Microgrant Program aims to provide small grant funding of up to $2,500 on a competitive basis to cover the costs of core services, publications, poster printing, and travel.

Core Services Microgrants

Core Service microgrants are available to full CFAR investigators to access services offered by the Scientific Cores who will contribute to generating preliminary findings that may strengthen future applications to the DC CFAR Pilot Awards Program or NIH directly. These microgrants cover the costs associated with the use of select DC CFAR core services. Types of services that are eligible to be covered through this mechanism include but are not limited to laboratory services, specimen acquisition, and shipping. Investigators may apply for larger microgrants – up to $5,000 – for gene sequencing lab services only.

Publication and Poster Printing Microgrants

Publication, poster printing microgrants  are available for DC CFAR Pilot Awards and NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements recipients to facilitate the publishing of manuscripts associated with the study results of their DC CFAR project.

Scientific Travel Microgrants

Travel microgrants are available for DC CFAR Pilot Awards and NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements recipients to travel to scientific conferences to present their study results associated with their DC CFAR project.


These small grants are available to full investigative members of the DC CFAR only. The publication, poster printing, and travel microgrants are specifically available to recipients of the DC CFAR Pilot Awards and NIH CFAR Administrative Supplements recipients.

Application Process

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for the microgrant program using the forms below. Applications will be reviewed by the Developmental Core and assessed for eligibility and appropriateness. Please note, applications for the core services microgrant will undergo a review process in which two non-conflicted DC CFAR members with relevant scientific expertise will assess the scientific merit of the application and provide an overall impact score based on a modified version of the NIH grant application scoring system. The scores will then be reviewed by the Developmental Core for final funding decisions.

Core Services Form

Publication Form

Travel Form

Award Guidelines

  • If applicable, Institutional regulatory approvals (e.g., IRB, IACUC, etc.) must be submitted prior to the release of funds.
  • The DC CFAR should be acknowledged in all listed projects.
  • Expenses must adhere to NIH and DC CFAR guidelines on allowable expenditures.
  • Additional information will be provided to award recipients.


Lorena Segarra, MPH

Senior Research Program Manager 

[email protected]