Advanced Technology Core Open House Recordings

Atlantis AI350 Search Engine Open House

On Thursday, January 11, the DC CFAR Advanced Technology Core hosted a virtual seminar featuring Dr. Harshawardhan Bal. Dr. Bal’s presentation focused on the Atlantis AI360 search engine, a platform for automated content generation and knowledge discovery in biomedical research.

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) Open House

On October 27, 2023, the DC CFAR Advanced Technology Core hosted a virtual seminar featuring Dr. Fayuan Wen and her presentation on "Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA): an example using RNA-seq data from PBMCs of SCD patients."

Next Generation Sequencing Lab Open House

On June 23, 2023, the Advanced Technology Core held a virtual Lab Open House to provide an overview of the next-generation sequencing (NGS) laboratory at George Washington University (GWU). This seminar featured a presentation from Dr. Jeanne Jordan, Professor of Epidemiology at GWU, and Dr. Kamwing Jair, Research Scientist and NGS Specialist at GWU. To learn more about the services available through the NGS Lab, please click here.


Drug Discovery Open House

The DC CFAR Advanced Technology Core Virtual Lab Open House on February 24, 2023, featured a presentation from Dr. Amol Kulkarni, titled "Preclinical Drug Discovery for HIV and HIV-Associated Comorbidities."


Flow Cytometry Open House

On November 17, 2022, the Advanced Technology Core held a virtual Lab Open House to provide an overview of the flow cytometry cores across the different CFAR-affiliated institutions. This event featured presentations from George Washington University Flow Cytometry Facility Manager, Dr. Gregory Cresswell, Georgetown University Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Director, Dr. Karen Creswell, and Howard University Research Scientist and DC CFAR Investigator, Dr. Namita Kumari. Learn more about each core at the links below:
For more information about the GW Flow Cytometry Core, click here
For more information about the GU Flow Cytometry Core, click here
To learn more about the HU Flow Cytometry Core, contact Sergei Nekhai at [email protected] or request the service via the DC CFAR core services request form

Isoplexis Open House

The DC CFAR Advanced Technology Core Virtual Lab Open House on April 8, 2022 featured a presentation from Mr. Jonathan Green and Dr. Tiffany Coupet on the Isoplexis instrument, titled "Accelerating the Next Generation of Immune Medicine with Cellular Proteomics at DC-CFAR."


Lynch Lab Open House

The DC CFAR Advanced Technology Core Virtual Lab Open House on November 18, 2021 featured a presentation from DC CFAR HIV Cure Scientific Working Group Co-lead Dr. Rebecca Lynch (GW) on the Digital PCR Instrument' aka 'Lynch Lab'. 

Imaging Mass Cytometry Open House

This Open House on September 23, 2021 was a seminar focused on the Imaging Mass Cytometry and other applications of the CyTOF. It included a presentation by Fluidigm Corporation’s Chief Science Officer Andrew Quong and Georgetown University Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Ivana Peran. Core facility workflow and service requests were also discussed.

Orbitrap Open House

The DC CFARAdvanced Technology Core held a virtual Lab Open House on July 21, 2021. This training seminar featured a presentation by Thermo Fisher Scientific Specialist Christopher Bolcato focused on the Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer and its uses for quantitative and single-cell proteomics. Proteomics workflow and Proteome Discoverer 5.0 data analysis program were also discussed.