Membership Types


The investigator membership is available to faculty members and/or research scientists (with a terminal doctoral degree), have an active interest in HIV/AIDS research, AND are affiliated with one of the DC CFAR collaborating institutions. Investigators' benefits include:

  • Access to a local and national network of HIV/AIDS investigators
  • Priority access to core services, facilities and mentoring
  • Eligible to apply for internal DC CFAR funding opportunities
  • Funding announcements about grant opportunities
  • Updates on HIV-related research and news
  • Invitations to attend DC CFAR educational events, core seminars, community forums and CFAR national meetings on specific focus areas

Affiliate Investigator

The affiliate investigator membership is available for faculty from non-DC CFAR collaborating institutions who have an interest in HIV/AIDS research, doctoral-level HIV/AIDS researchers at non-academic organizations and HIV/AIDS physicians who are not from a DC CFAR collaborating institution. Affiliate investigator benefits include:

  • Participation in a local and national network of HIV/AIDS investigators
  • Funding announcements about grant opportunities
  • Updates on HIV-related research and news
  • Invitations to attend DC CFAR educational events, core seminars, community forums and CFAR national meetings on specific focus areas
  • Consideration for access to core services and facilities depending on availability

Associate Member

The associate membership is available to post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students in the DC area who are interested in HIV/AIDS research. Associate member benefits include:

  • Funding announcements about grant opportunities
  • Updates on HIV-related research and news
  • Invitations to attend DC CFAR educational events, core seminars and community forums
  • Invitations to attend special events for students and trainees regarding career opportunities, education and training

Community Member

The community membership is available to members of the HIV/AIDS community in DC including members of HIV/AIDS community-based organizations. Community member benefits include:

  • Updates on HIV-related research and news
  • Invitations to attend DC CFAR educational events, core seminars and community forums