Cores & Services

The DC Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) supports five Cores. Each Core provides services that facilitate HIV/AIDS research and contributes synergistically to the overall DC CFAR mission.

Administrative Core

The Administrative Core provides leadership for the DC CFAR Cores and Scientific Working Groups, promotes synergies across the collaborating research institutions, and supports partnerships with government, community, and academic collaborators.

Developmental Core

The Developmental Core coordinates the DC CFAR Pilot Awards Program, the microgrant program, mentoring, educational and training opportunities. The Core focuses its programs and services on early stage, new and newly transitioning HIV investigators.

Advanced Technology Core

The Advanced Technology Core provides state-of-the art services and training in relevant methods and techniques used by HIV laboratory investigators including virologic, molecular, immunological, imaging and next generation sequencing.

Clinical and Population Sciences Core

The Clinical and Population Sciences Core provides clinical, epidemiologic and biostatistical services; recruitment and retention consultation and support; and access to biological samples and clinical databases from new and existing studies and networks.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Core

The Social and Behavioral Sciences Core provides a range of services to provide support on the concepts, theories, methods, and methodologies in the social and behavioral sciences relevant to HIV/AIDS.