HIV Persistence & Cure SWG


The HIV Persistence & Cure SWG provides a forum to promote scientific discovery in HIV cure research along with supporting early-stage investigators in HIV cure research.


  1. To promote scientific discovery in HIV cure research in Washington, DC
  2. To stimulate and support the development of innovative, trans-disciplinary, and multi-institutional HIV care-related grant applications and manuscripts,
  3. To support early-stage, established, and new and transitioning investigators in HIV cure research, with an emphasis on women and underrepresented minorities.

HIV Cure SWG Cheat Sheet

The SWG prepared a Clinical Sample cheat sheet in collaboration with the DC CFAR’s Clinical and Population Sciences Core. This document is meant to summarize and explain any processes needed to obtain ex vivo samples as well as provide contact information. The SWG hopes that this helps connect researchers to more diverse sample types from a diverse population of people living with HIV. This is a living document to help inform the processes of requesting clinical samples across the DC CFAR network and the SWG plans to continue updating the document as additional information and cohorts become available.
