Timothy H. Holtz

Timothy H. Holtz
M.D., M.P.H.
Chair & Director, Sumner M. Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness; Department of Global Health and Department of Epidemiology
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
Current HIV/AIDS-Related Research Activities
NIH/NIAID: (R01-AI118505) Combination HIV Preventive Interventions for Young Thai MSM (COPE4YMSM): Qualitative Assessment and Open-label Intervention with Community Engagement The major goal of COPE4YMSM is to enlist mobilized community partners to conduct a non-randomized assessment of open-label daily oral tenofovir/emtricitabine (FTC/TDF) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among young Thai MSM, with mobile phone-based SMS adherence support; impact will be evaluated in regards to the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of the intervention. CDC protocol approved IRB.
Funding completed 2022, working on publications.
Weir BW, Dun C, Wirtz AL, Mon SHH, Qaragholi N, Chemnasiri T, Pattanasin S, Sukwicha W, Varangrat A, Dunne EF, Holtz TH, Janyam S, Jin H, Linjongrat D, Mock PA, Thigpen MC, Mooney JF, Sullivan P, Hickey AC, Sirivongrangson P, Beyrer C, Poonkassetwattana M, and the COPE Study Team. Transactional sex, HIV, and health among young cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men in Thailand. Annals of Epi 2022. Doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.03.012 PMID 35405344.
Weir BW, Dun C, Wirtz AL, Mon SHH, Chemnasiri T, Pattanasin S, Sukwicha W, Varangrat A, Dunne EF, Holtz TH, Janyam S, Linjongrat D, Mock PA, Thigpen MC, Mooney JF, Sullivan P, Hickey AC, Sirivongrangson P, Beyrer C, and the COPE Study Team. Cost-effectiveness analysis of combination pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men engaging in transactional sex. Under submission.
Weir BW, Dun C, Wirtz AL, Mon SHH, Chemnasiri T, Pattanasin S, Sukwicha W, Varangrat A, Dunne EF, Holtz TH, Janyam S, Linjongrat D, Mock PA, Thigpen MC, Mooney JF, Sullivan P, Hickey AC, Sirivongrangson P, Beyrer C, and the COPE Study Team. Outcomes from social media influencer recruitment efforts in COPE4YMSM. Submitted to JIAS.