SaVanna Wanzer

SaVanna Wanzer

SaVanna Wanzer

Founder of "May Is: All About Trans"

SaVanna Wanzer has been a Subject Matter Expert, Trans advocate, HIV educator, and transgender specialist for more than 30 years.  As the founder of TransPride in 2007, she later started May Is:  All About Trans in 2018, a series of events celebrating, featuring, and loving transgender people. Designed to educate and build bridges across all communities, SaVanna has grown her vision to include organizations and individuals from across the country. During her many years of service, SaVanna was the first transgender woman to serve as a Board of Director from Whitman-Walker Health and Capital Pride Alliance. She has also served on the DC Mayor’s LGBTQ Advisory Committee, and started and maintained multiple peer mentoring programs. An active CAP member for NMAC & DCCFAR.  Among her many awards, 2020 National Trans Visibility March Torch Award, 2019 she was one of Leon Harris’ NBC 4 Heroes and TAGG Magazine, she was recognized with DC’s Black Pride Unsung Hero Award in 2017, Whitman-Walker Legal’s Robert Fenner Urquhart Memorial Award in 2015, and Capital Pride’s Hero Award in 2008.  Retired from the federal government, SaVanna remains very active in her community and at Westminster Presbyterian Church in DC.  Her future goal is to take May Is: All About Trans to a National level.