Recording Available for DC CFAR Developmental Core Journal Club

March 7, 2019

The recording is now available from the February 27th Developmental Core Journal Club. Dr. Rachel Resop, postdoctoral fellow with the Bosque Laboratory at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, was the lead presenter of this month's Journal Club and provided her perspective on the main topic of the following article: 
Agosto LM, Herring MB, Mothes W, Henderson AJ.  HIV-1-Infected CD4+ T Cells Facilitate Latent Infection of Resting CD4+ T Cells through Cell-Cell Contact. Cell reports. 2018;24:2088-2100.
Dr. Carlos Rodriguez-Diaz responded to this article from a social and behavioral sciences perspective and Dr. Amanda Blair Spence responded from a clinical and population science perspective.

Click on this link to view the webinar.