Global Scientific Interest Group Meeting

Thu, 15 December, 2022 3:00pm

The DC CFAR Global SIG would like to invite you to join us for a virtual seminar entitled “Progress on the Global HIV Response” on Thursday, December 15 from 10:00 to 11:00 AM ET. The meeting will feature a presentation by Lycias Zembe, PhD, an Advisor at UNAIDS in the HIV Prevention Coalition and Adolescent Health in the Division of Science and Services. Dr. Zembe’s presentation will include an overview of the state of the epidemic, an update on the HIV prevention response and priorities, and new developments for addressing key issues for men and HIV.


We invite interested DC CFAR investigators to the SIG for the opportunity to hear from featured presentations and foster new collaborations. If you would like to receive additional information and join the meeting, please contact Vivian Kirkham at [email protected].

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