Debra A. Benator

Debra A. Benator
Scientific Advisor
50 Irving Street NW
Washington DC 20422
Department of Medicine
George Washington University
HIV-Infectious Diseases Clinic
DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Current HIV/AIDS Research Activities:
- Principal Investigator, Tuberculosis Trials Consortium under MOU with the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Division of TB Elimination: Lead of Partnership with Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa
- Principal Investigator: DC VAMC Site, DC Cohort, Development of A City-Wide Cohort Of HIV-Infected Persons In Care In The District Of Columbia. (PI: Alan Greenberg and Amanda Castel, GWU Epidemiology)
- Co- Principal Investigator: DC VAMC: Family Centered Advanced Directives in People Living With HIV: (PI: Maureen Lyon Ph.D., Children's National Medical Center)
Current HIV/AIDS Educational Activities:
- Director, GWUMC/VAMC Infectious Diseases Fellowship VA Outpatient HIV/ID Clinic Teaching Program
- Teaching Attending, HIV-Infectious Diseases Fellow Clinics and Medicine Resident Clinics
- Attending, Infectious Diseases Inpatient Consult Service
- Teaching Faculty GWU Medical School Microbiology Course: Tuberculosis and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria
- Director and Teacher, Twice Weekly didactic for ID Fellows: Antiretroviral therapy and treatment of HIV Infection
Current HIV/AIDS Clinical Activities:
- Clinic Director for the HIV-Infectious Diseases Clinic at the VAMC in Washington DC where HIV and primary care is provided for approximately 1150 patients with HIV infection
- Treatment of Hepatitis C among HIV-Hepatitis C co-infected and Hepatitis C mono-infected individuals
- Associate Director of Infection Control with oversight of HIV and Hepatitis Blood Borne Exposures, TB evaluation and TB isolation
- Director of DC VAMC Directly Observed Therapy Program for Treatment of Latent TB Infection with 12 weekly doses of isoniazid and rifapentine