New Publication from DC CFAR Investigator, Mimi Ghosh, PhD, MS

December 15, 2016

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DC CFAR member, Mimi Ghosh, PhD, MS, along with her colleagues has published an article in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses entitled, "Reduced levels and bioactivity of endogenous protease Cathepsin D in genital tract secretions of postmenopausal women".
This article discusses immune responses in the reproductive tracts of post-menopausal women, specifically regarding the role of endogenous proteases that regulate tissue remodeling, wound healing and inflammation.  The study observed significantly lower levels and activity of Cathepsin D in postmenopausal compared to premenopausal women.  These findings indicated that specific endogenous proteases are affected by postmenopausal status in women, which has implications for regulation of genital immune microenvironment and HIV susceptibility.