Developmental Core Journal Club Webinar

Thu, 30 March, 2023 4:00pm

Please join us for a DC CFAR Developmental Core Journal Club Webinar on Thursday, March 30 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET featuring Associate Professor Dr. Derek Dangerfield II from the Department of Prevention and Community Health at George Washington University, who will present the following publication for discussion:

Dangerfield Ii DT, Heidari O, Cooper J, Allen S, Lucas GM. Motivations for opioid and stimulant use among drug using black sexual minority men: A life course perspective. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2020 Oct 1;215:108224. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108224.

Dr. Dangerfield will provide a 15-20 minute synopsis of the publication. Two respondents from different disciplines will then provide their perspectives for 5-10 minutes. Dr. Alexander Zestos (AU) will respond to this article from a Basic Sciences perspective and Dr. Jose Lucar (GW) will respond to this article from a Clinical and Population Sciences perspective. An open discussion will follow the presentations to hopefully discover opportunities for possible collaborations on future research initiatives.

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