DC CFAR Holds First Annual Research Symposium Featuring Pilot and Supplement Award Recipients

February 3, 2017

Research Symposium 2017

On Friday, January 27, 2017, the DC CFAR held its First Annual Research Symposium to highlight and celebrate the research of pilot and supplement award recipients from 2010-2016. The symposium brought together over 150 participants from academic institutions, government, multilateral organizations, community organizations, hospitals and other professional organizations for oral presentations and an interactive poster session. The day began with welcomes from the DC CFAR (Alan Greenberg), HAHSTA/DC DOH (Michael Kharfen) and DC CFAR CAB (Marcia Ellis). Dr. Robert Silliciano's engaging keynote on HIV Cure research set the tone for the excellent oral presentations on basic science, clinical and population science and social and behavioral science research that followed. Thoughtful audience participation further enhanced the day's scientific discussion.  The symposium concluded with an interactive poster session that featured the research of additional DC CFAR pilot award recipients and members of the DC CFAR Community Advisory Board.

We would like to thank all of you who participated in this exciting event!  If you were unable to attend, the webcast of the symposium is available in two parts here.  The DC CFAR will be hosting our next Scientific Symposium featuring CFAR investigators from across the country at the National Academies of Science on November 2, 2017 - be on the lookout for further details!